Thursday, April 28, 2011

Week 4 EOC- Theres an app for that

1.) I would create an app for people who enjoy fashion as much as I do. You would simply take a picture of any expensive designer garment that you love, but can't afford, then post it to a link where it will find similar items. It will offer items that look the same but are in your price range. It will also tell you where you can go purchase it. This will save money, you'll look like a million bucks, and never arrive fashionably late spending all your time at the mall searching for that perfect outfit.
2.) I would create an app for an alarm system linked to my phone so that if someone tryed to break into my house or it was on fire my phone would alarm as well. I feel that in most cases you may be there for an emergency quicker than the cops could and it might make some people feel a little more at ease leaving there home for an extended period of time if they knew theyde get alarmed as soon as there window opened.
3) I would create an app where my phone would tell me cuss word sign language in different countries that means something nice here. For example: In Australia the peace sign means but in America it means peace. Well I'm a server and when foreigners don't tip I'de really like to flip them off but I'de get fired. If I do something like a peace sign to an Australian I could act like I didn't know.